First Fruits Commitment for 2025

Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I pray this new year finds you living in the awe and wonder of God’s incredible grace. “Grace” is a word we use to point to our good and generous God. It describes God’s undeserved kindness to sinners like us, who without this incredible attribute of God would be left separated from God now and forever. It is God’s grace that sent Jesus, “who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God,” (2 Cor 5:21) and  “be united with him in a resurrection like his,” (Romans 6:5). And it is by God’s grace that we have been so generously provided for in all our needs of body and soul.

However, God’s generosity to us should also be seen as Him trusting us to use all we have been given for His kingdom purposes. We have been entrusted by the God who holds the whole universe in His hands with His mission of making His Son, Jesus, known to the world so that the world might be saved through Him. But what does this mean for each of us in our own calling and station in life?

It means whatever your vocation is, there is more to the job description than just what’s on the paper. If you work in an office or for a company, it means doing your best for them with what God has given you, remembering that whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ, (Colossians 3:23-24). If you are a teacher, teach your best. If you are a spouse or a parent, be the best, most Godly husband or wife you can be, and love your children the way God loves us, applying both God’s Law and Gospel in their lives. The point is that using your time and talents and giftedness to their fullest is a way to “let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and praise your Father in heaven,” (Matt 5:16).

It also means that whatever material blessings God entrusts to you are also to be used in Godly ways for Godly purposes. Caring for your family’s needs is a Godly use. Showing God’s love and kindness to your neighbor is a good use. Even enjoying the blessings of this world in moderation, drawing you to appreciate the generosity and goodness of God, that is a good use. But God also calls us to not live for ourselves, but for him who for our sake died and was raised again (2 Cor 5:15). So, when we give of our first fruits to the Lord, when we offer to Him the first and the best of what He has given to us, we take a big step in living for Him and using what He has entrusted to us for His Kingdom purposes. 

This month, we are asking you, as a disciple of Jesus here at Memorial, to prayerfully consider making such a first fruits commitment for 2025, recognizing that God has entrusted you with what you have for the ultimate purpose of making Jesus known. Enclosed (and available at church or online) is a pledge card specifying your first fruits commitment to the Lord through Memorial Lutheran Church. This card will be used confidentially by those who regularly receive our offerings, gifts, and contributions (our financial secretaries) as a way to encourage you and celebrate with you during the year in the fulfillment of your commitments. We will be bringing these pledges to the altar on Sunday, January 26, together as a Community of Christ. If you are unable to make it up to the altar, we will have ushers who will be able to assist you. If you will be unable to worship at Memorial on that Sunday, please place your card in the offering plate the next time you worship with us.   You may also mail your card to or drop it off at the church office.  Pledge cards will be handed out at worship, as well as be available online at

** Please note that there will also be a space on the pledge card to express your commitment to participate in the Ezra Project, Memorial Lutheran’s special campaign to address various capital needs and improvements of our facilities. We are not asking for a specific commitment at this time for the Ezra Project. Rather, we are wanting to make you aware of our efforts for these special gifts that will go above and beyond our regular, first-fruits giving, and allow you the opportunity to begin considering how you might participate in the project in addition to your regular support of the mission and ministry of Memorial. More information on the Ezra Project will be shared in the coming weeks.

May our Gracious God grant you a joyous new year as together we make Jesus known and Extend the Community of Christ Wherever We Go!

With love and peace in Jesus,
Pastor John