The Gospel Message through Music
One of the many gifts that God has given his people is the joy of music. Memorial Lutheran Church of Katy offers exciting opportunities for our congregation and the community to explore their musical gifts and talents. Our music groups come together for a common purpose: to extend the community of Christ in Katy through the proclamation of the Gospel in song. By leading Sunday morning worship and sharing the gift of music in the community with events such as the Christmas Cantata, Caroling and Bell Ringing at local nursing homes, and the Palm Sunday Passion Cantatas, we fulfill Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations” through music, beginning right here in the heart of Katy!
There are many ways to extend the community of Christ through music.

Joyful Ringers
Our handbell choir is directed by Stephen Johnson. The Joyful Ringers rehearse on Mondays at 7 pm. New ringers, ages 13 and up, are always welcome! Training and encouragement are provided so all experience levels are welcome!
Our SATB choir is directed by Patty Leighton, and meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. New singers, ages 13 and up, are always welcome! Guidance and encouragement are provided so all experience levels are welcome!
Worship Band
Our worship band meets on Sundays at 8:00 am in the Sanctuary. The Worship Band is led by Hannah Davis.
Practice times and performances vary throughout the year.
🎺 Contact us if you’d like to use your musical talents together with us. 🎶