Servant Event
Join us for our first-ever large-scale servant event at Memorial Lutheran Church! Our congregation already serves in many ways—in our homes, our community, and wherever God leads us. This event is a chance for us to come together as a church family to serve side by side and extend the community of Christ wherever we go.
We’ll start the day worshiping together as a congregation, followed by a delicious breakfast taco feast and a time of joyful fellowship. Then, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from one of four mini-service projects: quilting, assembling care kits for first responders, organizing and cleaning the KCM pantry, or helping with sanding and spray-painting at Ballard House. There’s a way for everyone to get involved and make a difference!
Note: Some of these projects might require a change into work clothes. There will be a basket of extra Thrivent shirts set up (with sizes marked) for anyone who needs a shirt to change into.
Planned Service Projects
The quilting service project will take place in the quilting room, located right across from the nursery in the Welcome Center. No sewing skills are required! You’ll help with tasks like tying knots and assembling quilt layers. Each year, we bless and send over a 100 quilts all over the world through Lutheran World Relief. Whether you’re an experienced quilter or brand new to the craft, your helping hands will make a difference!
Ballard House
Get ready to roll up your sleeves for a hands-on project at Ballard House! We’ll be sanding and spray-painting four tables and chairs to give them a fresh new look. If you can, please bring a sander/sandpaper to help supplement supplies on-hand. The project starts at 12:00 pm at Ballard House, and we’ll provide maps to make it easy to find. A Ballard House staff member will be there to guide us through the process, so come ready to make a difference and have some fun!
Care Kits for First Responders
Ms. April is leading this kid-friendly service opportunity will be held in our Fellowship Hall. We will be making Thanksgiving themed care kits for first responders in our community.
Families will decorate a few bags and cards for a first responder of their choice then take them home to fill them and drop them off to their chosen first responder. The items for the kits can include protein bars, granola bars, trail mix, fruit leathers, and bottled drinks.
Our families can then take a picture at delivery! Be sure to send Ms. April the picture so we can make a fun collage to celebrate.
Katy Christian Ministries – Pantry Organizing & Cleaning
We will be organizing and cleaning a food pantry starting between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm, depending on the location with the greatest need. We’ll provide a map to guide you, and a KCM staff member will be on hand to lead the team.