We are excited to hold our 2nd Annual Ministry Fair on October 30th at 10:30 am during Community Hour. This is a fun opportunity to see what our Memorial family is up to. It’s also an opportunity to see how we are all connected to each other, and perhaps how you can get further connected into Memorial Community! There will be a fun Halloween-themed activity and a scavenger hunt for the children again this year. We hope you can attend and see how God is moving in mighty ways here at Memorial and beyond!
Here’s a short list of some of the ministries involved in the fair this year:
- Altar Guild
- American Heritage Girls
- Bible Studies
- Blood Drive
- Children’s Ministry
- Comfort Dog Ministry
- Connections Teams
- Hospitality
- Grief Support
- Men’s Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Outreach
- PreSchool
- Rooted Young Adult Ministry
- Senior Adult Ministry (SAM)
- Tech Team
- Trustees
- Ushers
- Women’s Ministry
- Youth Ministry

A Cross-Shaped Community
Together, one piece at a time, we will decorate a wooden cross by gluing on pre-broken pieces of pottery. As you come upstairs to the Ministry Fair, there will be someone available to help, if needed. The finished cross will hang at Memorial reflecting the beauty of our community – full of different people with different gifts all working together with Christ as their foundation.
This simple and impactful craft was done at last year’s LCMS Texas District Convention, and the results were amazing. ♥ We look forward to celebrating our Memorial community with you next Sunday at the Ministry Fair!