Whether you are new to Memorial or have been part of our community for years, there’s a place for you to get connected. Come check out our Church-wide Ministry Fair after worship on October 31, 2021 and see all that’s happening beyond just Sundays.
There’s fun for the whole family!
Not only will we be gathering together to talk and enjoy each others’ company, but there’s coffee, snacks, giveaways and more! For the kids there is a fun scavenger hunt and Tables & Treats!

In and through all that fun, there are 30+ opportunities to explore being involved or staying connected with our community here at Memorial.
Ministries & Opportunities at the Fair
- Pastor’s Tuesday Bible Study
- Women’s Tuesday Evening Bible Study
- Women’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study
- Praisemakers, Men’s & Women’s Chorus
- Handbells
- Senior Adult Ministry
- Comfort Dog
- Children’s Ministry
- Rooted Young Adults
- Preschool
- Apostolic Team
- Core Groups
- Marriage Retreat
- PubTalks
- Men’s Sports
- Men’s Retreat
- Youth Ministry
- National Youth Gathering
- Ushers
- Grief Support
- Tech Team
- Welcome Team
- Care Team
- Prayer Team
- Altar Guild
- Trustees
- Blood Drive
- American Heritage Girls
- Ladies’ Night Out
- Women in Mission