Our community of faith came together to purchase Easter lilies to the glory of our Risen Lord. Forty-two plants were provided by…
- Kim & Danny Nichols in honor of their parents, Grace Holtkamp, Jean & Murrell Nichols, and in thankfulness for their granddaughter, Avery Nichols.
- Sandra Petersen in loving memory of her parents, Edith & Glen Johnson, and in thanksgiving for her wonderful family, and in memory of her husband, Elwin Petersen.
- Mark & Michelle Runge in thankfulness for Memorial Lutheran Church.
- Stuart & Cindy Michalk in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.
- Marcus & Debbie Behrens in honor of their parents, Marvin & Lorraine Gruening, and Glenn & Velma Behrens.
- John & Sandie Penewitt in celebration of their grandchildren.
- Dean & Tracie Arldt in memory of Albert Hackett, Kim Hackett, Bernelle Arldt, Gene Burrell, and Todd & Lacey Bird. Also, in thanksgiving for their children and grandchildren: Joshua, Holly, Carson, Cash, Sarah, and Nick.
- Ron & Joyce Adams in memory of their parents Edwin & Malinda Rippe and Selvyn & Sue Adams.
- Pastor John & Brenda Davis in honor of their grandchildren.
- Marie Lau in thanksgiving for God’s blessings.
- Lois Blum in loving memory of Bill Blum.
- Tony, Audra, Dalton, and Brittany Luttrall in thankfulness of their parents, grandparents, and family to the glory of God.
- Todd & Vivienne Beckett in honor of their parents and grandparents.
- Ron Fox in celebration of Easter and for his Memorial Lutheran Church family & friends.
- Gerry & Kathy Bergmann in appreciation of our living Lord.
- Holly Martinez in memory of loved ones that have passed.
- Kathy & Billy Self in thanksgiving for God’s many blessings.
- Bob & Kathy Cowan in memory of their parents and in thanksgiving for the blessing of their children and grandchildren.
- Tony & Waldean Rylander in honor of their 11 grandchildren.
- Greg & Barb Luegering in honor of their families.
- Dave & Linda Elmore in honor of their children, Courtney & Nick, Devon & Bryan, and their grandchildren: Trace, Avery, Lexie, Ansley, and Teegan. Also, in memory of their parents – Jack & Iona Hancock, and Elzie & Millie Elmore – and Linda’s brothers: Allen and Jack Hancock.
- John & Patti Ruser in celebration of Easter.
- Bob & Carolyn Stall in celebration of our risen Lord.
- Susan Terry to the glory of our risen Lord and Savior.
- Mary Price in loving memory of Arthur Price.
- Matt & Melissa Froehlich in celebration of Easter.