We are called by God to “Extend the Community of Christ Wherever We Go!”
We are a community of Christ.
- A community is based on relationships
- Those relationships are centered on and around Christ
We are called to extend this community.
- It is extended in our own lives, through God’s Word and Sacraments and the mutual encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ
- It is extended in the lives of others through our relationships, through our service in and to the community in which we live
We are called to do this wherever we go!
- Our mission is lived out wherever God has placed us. This extends to our homes, workplaces, schools, neighborhoods, and beyond.
- Our mission calls on us to carry a message, both in word and deed, that touches the heart so that lives might be changed in and through the name of Jesus
- Our mission challenges us to transform and shape our whole Katy community so that we have community in Christ and a community of Christ.

Accepting of All Seeking Truth & Grace
We want people to experience and start to explore the Christian community here at Memorial as well as their faith in Jesus. Anyone and everyone is welcome and wanted here who desires God’s truth and grace.
Connecting Up, In, and Out
We want people to continue to explore their faith, and Christian community, and to move towards engaging with consistency and intentionality. We strive to connect and deepen our relationships Up, In, and Out. (represented in our logo)
- Up – Our relationship with God through worship, prayer, God’s Word, and Sacrament.
- In – Our relationships with other Christians and the body of Christ at Memorial.
- Out – Our relationships with those outside our church walls, especially those who do not know Jesus.
Training to be Disciples and Leaders
We want people to be equipped with healthy Discipleship rhythms but also be equipped to lead others in them too. We want disciples who are equipped to make disciples. We live out our daily lives as Jesus’ disciples and potential leaders in His Church.
We not only follow the words and teachings of Jesus, but we also follow the ways of Jesus in training people to live out their daily life, first and foremost as disciples, but also as potential leaders amongst God’s people.
Sending Disciples to Make Disciples
We want people to continue to extend the Community of Christ wherever they go! We take the mission of God seriously in all that we do and it is woven into the DNA of all of our ministries. Mission efforts are also lived out by the people of God at Memorial through their individual contexts – discipling others at Memorial, leading their families to be disciples, and witnessing to and discipling their neighbors and coworkers.

Memorial Lutheran Church is a part of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). To find out more, visit What We Believe.