Choir Practice

We have a dedicated and fun group of people of all ages who come together in this traditional SATB choir to sing in worship to our Lord. We perform in service regularly, and we practice each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. There are no signups or tryouts! If you’d like to sing with us, just show

Quilters Gathering

The quilting group gathers twice a month from 12 – 2 pm, dedicating several hours to creating beautiful quilts for Lutheran World Mission and the LWML. While there’s no actual sewing at these sessions, everyone, regardless of skill level, is invited to join in the fun. These gatherings offer a unique opportunity to connect in

Kindness Rocks

We invited you to join us for some fun time of fellowship and service for our Community Hour on May 29th. We started at church and painted Kindness Rocks with a kind word, phrase, verse, or good message. Then, we will deliver and place them around our local parks. We hope your families join with Read More