
Gini Spaulding
Gini Spaulding

Other Organizers

Brenda Davis
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Mar 14 - 16 2025


All Day

Women’s Retreat

“The God Who Sees Me”

Dear Ladies,

In our busy and performance-driven culture, where independence and self-sufficiency are valued, we often feel unseen, unknown, isolated and disconnected.  Relationships are becoming increasingly more fragmented.  Such a different reality than the one Christ prayed for when He asked His Father that we, as God’s children, may be one as He and the Father are One. (see John 17)

On the weekend of March 14-16, 2025, you will have opportunity to come away from the busyness and distractions of life and find rest and nourishment for your hearts.

Our retreat theme is based on one of the Names of God, El Roi: “The God Who Sees Me.”  Our speaker, Cheryl Spaulding, will lead us in exploring the many treasures found in Psalm 139. Cheryl will also lead us in looking at several women in Scripture who struggled with feeling unseen, invisible, abandoned, and rejected, and how being seen and known by God transformed their lives.

Jesus invites us to “come away with Him by ourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31)  We hope you will respond to His invitation and join us in March on retreat!

About our Speaker…

Cheryl Spaulding is a licensed counselor and social worker and has certification in spiritual direction under NewWay Ministries. She is currently enrolled in a three-year narrative focused trauma program where she is learning to help people navigate the impact of past trauma.

Cheryl provides individual and marriage counseling through her ministry, Morning Star Ministries.  She has been in private practice for 30 of her 50 years of experience in counseling.  Cheryl also leads day retreats for women and an annual weekend women’s retreat; “Come Away My Beloved.”   She and her husband, Robin have facilitated support and discipleship groups for over 35 years. They believe that the Gospel is meant to be lived out in community, where we seek to love God and others in deeper ways. Robin and Cheryl have 5 sons,( Nathan, Ben, Daniel, Jonathan & Aiden)two daughters-in law, (Gini & Rebekah) and three adorable grandsons, (Levi, Judah & Liam).

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