Family Fun Night at Westlake
With Pastor Ben, we are partnering with Westlake Lutheran to host a Family Fun Night for families in the Richmond & Fulsher communities to come together and have fun. What’s more, is that this event provides us an opportunity to live out Memorial’s mission to extend the community of Christ!
We can serve alongside Pastor Ben and Gini and help reach out to local families with the love of Jesus providing care, support, and community for those without a church home. There will be games, pizza, desserts, and a showing of the movie, Inside Out. Pastor Ben will also give a brief presentation on Navigating Emotional Health.
Ben and Gini need disciples to serve alongside them setting up for the evening, serving food, greeting, managing games, or simply being available to talk with the families who attend.
Please contact Gini Spaulding and let her know how you’d like to help partner with us for kingdom work. Thank you!!